Title: Die Geschichte der Laura M.
Title (orig.): Laura, Les ombres de l'été Laura
Genre: Drama
Director David Hamilton
Stars Thierry Redler, Pierre Londiche, James Mitchell, Dawn Dunlap, Maud Adams
Year of Production: 1979
Country of Production: Frankreich
Plot Sculptor Paul meets a former great love again after a long time -- but is much more impressed by her 15 years old daughter Laura, who looks now like her mother when Paul was in love with her. Laura likes him very much too, but her jealous mother prevents any further contact. She allows him to make a sculpture of Laura, but only from photos.
FSK: FSK-16: Freigegeben ab 16 Jahren
Laufzeit: 86 Min.
Cover: Keep Case (Amaray)
Lang: Deutsch: Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo, Französisch: Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo
Untertitel: Deutsch
Ratio: Letterbox (1.66:1)
Extras: Kinotrailer, Trailer von anderen Filmen, Kapitel- / Szenenanwahl Animiertes DVD-Menü, DVD-Menü mit Soundeffekten, Bildergalerie
Dawn Dunlap in Barbarian Queen
Dawn Dunlap (Laura) Mini Biography
Adorable baby doll brunette beauty Dawn Dunlap (Born 1962, Texas) had a regrettably
fleeting film career from the late 70s up until the mid 80s. Dawn was
born in 1962 in Austin, Texas. She made her debut at age 16 in the titular role of a lovely and naive, yet enticing
ballet dancer in the steamy soft-core feature "Laura." Dunlap was
especially memorable as sweet space station crew member Tracy Baxter in
the entertainingly trashy "Alien" rip-off "Forbidden World." Dunlap's
sole mainstream movie credit was a small role as hooker Maxine in Ron
Howard's hilarious comedy "Night Shift." Alas, following her sizable
co-starring part as Lana Clarkson's innocent little sister Taramis in
the hugely enjoyable "Barbarian Queen" Dawn Dunlap called it a day as an
actress and went back to her native Texas.