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Thursday, January 30, 2014



Film & DVD specifications:

Title:                     FEUERROSE
Genre:                   Postapocalyptic Drama
Year:                     2011
Country:                Germany
Length:                  36 minutes
Directors:               Helmut Brandl
                             Monika Brandl
Cast:                      Monika Brandl
                             Eldrid Remy
                             Timo Tirado

Synopsis (English):  Desert. Emptiness. Loneliness.
                             A young woman wakes up unoriented in a scanty and comfortless
                             territory. She doesn´t know who she is and where she is. Instead of
                             answers she only finds further questions. In search of her identity,
                             soon the gets aware that her fate is more unbelievable than she ever
                             considered possible...       

Synopsis (German): Wüste. Leere. Einsamkeit.
                             Eine Frau wacht orientierungslos in einer kargen und trostlosen
                             Landschaft auf. Sie weiß weder wer sie ist, noch wo sie ist. Statt
                             Antworten findet sie immer nur noch weitere Fragen. Auf der Suche
                             nach ihrer Identität wird ihr bald bewusst, dass ihr Schicksal
                             unglaublicher zu sein scheint, als sie es je für möglich gehalten

Medium:                DVD-R
Regional code:       0 (All regions)
Language:              German, English
Subtitles:               None
Format:                 PAL – 16/9 anamorphic
Audio:                   Stereo
Extras:                   Outtakes
                             Alternate short version
Manufactured by:    Brandl Pictures

Deep in Mind


Film & DVD specifications:

Title:                     DEEP IN MY MIND
Genre:                   Psycho-Horror-Thriller
Year:                     2011
Country:                Germany
Length:                  99 minutes
Directors:               Guenther Brandl,                              Helmut Brandl
                             Monika Brandl
Cast:                      Guenther Brandl
                             Vlasto Peyitch
                             Martin Eherer
                             Carolina Rath
                             Oliver Schiessl
                             Verena Nagel

Synopsis (English):  Elliott Davis wants to stay overnight at the mysterious "Desdemona
                             Hotel". But soon there happen strange things. Weird people run
                             across him. Slowly but surely, Elliott starts loosing his mind. But that
                             is just the beginning, because now a journey into his world of ideas
                             begins, deep into his mind. Because there is something – and it wants
                             to get out! Out of his head!
                             "Deep in my Mind" is the 45th film from the independent film factory
                             Brandl Pictures – und probably the best! It kidnaps you to a very
                             special visually stunning und surreal psycho trip. Horror and thrill in
                             the best style of David Lynch.

Synopsis (German): Elliott Davis will die Nacht im mysteriösen Desdemona Hotel
                             verbringen. Doch bald geschehen dort seltsame Dinge. Eigenartige
                             Personen begegnen ihm. Langsam, aber sicher beginnt Elliott den
                             Verstand zu verlieren. Doch das ist erst der Anfang, denn nun beginnt
                             eine Reise in seine Gedankenwelt, tief hinein in seine Psyche. Denn
                             dort ist etwas - und das will raus! Raus aus seinem Kopf!
                             "Deep in my Mind" entführt Sie auf einen bildgewaltigen und
                             surrealen Psycho-Trip der ganz besonderen Sorte. Horror und
                             Spannung in bester David-Lynch-Manier!

Medium:                DVD
Regional code:       0 (All regions)
Language:              German
Subtitles:               English (optional)
Format:                 PAL – 16/9 anamorphic
Audio:                   Stereo
Extras:                   Making of
                             Audio commentary (German language)
                             Premiere report
                             Deleted scenes
                             Shortfilm version
                             Music video
Manufactured by:    Blacklava Entertainment / Brandl Pictures

Castle of Horror


Film & DVD specifications:

Title:                     CASTLE OF HORROR
Genre:                   Horror
Year:                     2010
Country:                Germany
Length:                  121 minutes
Directors:               Guenther Brandl
                             Helmut Brandl
                             Monika Brandl
Cast:                      Oliver Schiessl
                             Markus Riedl
                             Monika Brandl
                             Maria Schiessl
                             Guenther Brandl
                             Katrin Rau
                             Ursula Berger
                             Eldrid Remy

Synopsis (English):  A group of unsuspecting people is coming to a mysterious castle.
                             They think they are alone. But in these ruins nobody is alone!
                             Because the "castle of horror" has a frightful independent existence!
                             And a history which should be left in the past...

Synopsis (German): Eine Gruppe ahnungsloser Menschen landet in einem mysteriösen
                             Schloss. Sie denken, sie sind allein. Doch in diesen Gemäuern ist
                             niemand allein! Denn das „Castle of Horror“ hat ein schreckliches
                             Eigenleben! Und eine Vergangenheit, die besser geruht hätte…
                             Dieser Grusel-Schocker aus dem Hause Brandl führt sie in ein
                             Geisterschloss, wie es unheimlicher kaum sein könnte! Knarzende
                             Türen, Nebelschwaden, Geister und Dämonen überall - machen Sie
                             sich gefasst auf eine Geisterbahnfahrt par excellence!

Medium:                DVD
Regional code:       0 (All regions)
Language:              German
Subtitles:               None
Format:                 PAL – 16/9 anamorphic
Audio:                   Stereo
Extras:                   Making of
                             Premiere report
                             Deleted scenes
Manufactured by:    Blacklava Entertainment / Brandl Pictures

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Durch Liebe Weg Vom Stoff

Durch Liebe Weg Vom Stoff
(A Very Special Woman)
Xrated Label (Xrated Highlight Editions)
Two versions on one disc, Hardcore and softcore
(74.54 mins + 93.52 mins)
Ratio: 1.78:1 (16/9)
Lang: German w/ English subs (softcore version) German only (H/C Version)
Zone: PAL 2
Extras: Yes

UK release was originally 66 mins
Brigitte Lahaie and Karin Schubert in hardcore thriller

Original title: Une femme speciale (1979)